Archive for the ‘MR. BRAIN’ Category

Review: MR. BRAIN



Mr. Brain, as described by TBS, is supposed to revolve around this “quirky, yet brilliant” neuroscientist who solves crimes with his very advanced intelligence (and obvsly, expertise in neuroscience) but who is hindered by his lack of social skills. Very much in the vein of the recent slew of dramas featuring “brilliant mystery-solving eccentrics” then (see  House , Bones and Lie to Me). Except, very not like these dramas because all I really got from neuroscientist Tsukumo Ryusuke (Takuya Kimura) was an adorable penchant for behaving unexpectedly. Perhaps just “quirky” then, hardly “aggravating” – I doubt this will matter much to most people…but then I thought I’d just refute some of that fraudulent spin just in case you were expecting some fascinating backstory of some twisted, tormented soul.

So not much psychological sophistry with regards to the protagonist – the first episode started off rather intriguinfly with Tsukumu as a Host, touting for customers but that storyline was pretty much dropped entirely. (Unless! It sets up a Mr. Brain II!!! OMG. Pleasepleaseplease let that be the case!!!) And if you absolutely hate police procedurals/ Japanese mystery dramas…the strength of Tsukumu’s personal eccentricities is very unlikely to sate your needs.

As far as crime-busting and mystery-solving go however…OMG. You will lap it up and beg for more – very, very intelligent drama. In fact, if I had to pick nits and bones, I’d say: “Oh, waaay too clever for these criminals who are supposed to be very ordinary people.” (As ordinary as murderous criminals get anyway, haaa.) Yes, Side Criminals tend to dabble in Very (perhaps unbelievably) Convoluted Schemes. BUT what does this mean for the entertainment value of this drama, really? Sure – you don’t get 100% realism, but you get episodes which actually pose intellectual challenges to said Crime Busting Neuroscientist and deliver startling twist after startling twist. Fun stuff – VERY…I’d say satisfying, but I think I mean appetising since I. WANT. MORE!!!

Some people complain about the procedural aspects being way too advanced – I certainly don’t know what goes on in a real-life crime lab BUT I’ll happily profess to recognising all of Mr. Brain’s technology in well-established shows of the genre like…the entire CSI Franchise and Bones. So let’s just say it won’t get anymore fantastical then the average procedural drama. OH YES and there are little informational tidbits every episode about how our brain functions which are all very highly fascinating…though I guess they must be taken with that little pinch of salt.


Really fun ensemble cast – quirky personalities all round, in fact. Perhaps that contributes to why I thought this drama didn’t really make it in the league of Successful Personality-Based Dramas like House and Bones. Unfortunately, this drama makes a second bad showing for Mizushima Hiro, who overacted the same way he did in Mei-Chan no Shitsuji. Very disappointing stuff – since he is soooo hot (when he doesn’t act, aww.)

….OH and as many others have already pointed out – great guest stars (Gackt, Kamenashi Kazuya, Aibu Saki, Nakama Yukie) and fab props/set. 

Overall tone was a really nice balance of silliness/hilarity and tense, compelling action also. Reminded me why I love the JDrama. I’d totally recommend this film to anybody (except maybe, the finale was a tad duller than the rest of the series).

P.S. Very CSI opening theme! Didn’t anybody else think that!


…If I had to pick nits and bones, I’d say: “Oh, waaay too clever for these criminals who are supposed to be very ordinary people.” (As ordinary as murderous criminals get anyway, haaa.) BUT what does this mean for the entertainment value of this drama, really? Sure – you don’t get 100% realism, but you get episodes which actually pose intellectual challenges to said Crime Busting Neuroscientist and deliver startling twist after startling twist. Fun stuff – VERY…I’d say satisfying, but I think I mean appetising since I. WANT. MORE!!!

*OH and some might, after a gajillion comparisons to CSI (which are not lost on the CSI-buff that I am), say this is nothing too special. But I say, why fix something that ain’t broke! Plus, there is a definite Japanese slant (viz., the peculiar sense of humour and silliness) so…GO WATCH IT!!!

Quality: 9/10

Loveability: 9/10